Trap Sense

Trap Sense

Requirements: Rank: Seasoned, Repair d6+

Many adventurers become adept at spotting and defeating all but the most clever snares and traps. They get a Notice roll anytime a detectable trap is about to be sprung within 5” (10 yards). They must have line of sight to the trap and can’t be Shaken or Stunned. This works generally like Danger Sense but applies only to mechanical and magical traps (see Traps on page 71).

If the trap is detected and may be Evaded, the rogue and anyone she warns ignores 2 points of Evasion penalties to do so. If the trap can’t normally be Evaded, anyone warned may Evade at the usual −2 penalty.

Disarming Traps: A character with Trap Sense ignores up 2 points of Thievery penalties when attempting to disarm traps.