This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Edges ====== Edges are how you differentiate your character. They're grouped by type to help during [[../Character Creation]] and [[../Advancement]]. Unless an Edge says specifically says otherwise, it may only be selected once. **Requirements**: Below each Edge is the minimum [[../Rank]] required to take it along with any other prerequisites such as [[../attributes]], [[../skills]], or other Edges. {{page>savage/edges/ancestral}} {{page>savage/edges/background}} {{page>savage/edges/combat}} {{page>savage/edges/leadership}} {{page>savage/edges/power}} {{page>savage/edges/professional}} {{page>savage/edges/social}} {{page>savage/edges/weird}} {{page>savage/edges/prestige}} {{page>savage/edges/legendary}}