====== Sorcerer ====== ===== Sorcerer ===== **//Requirements://** Rank: Novice, Smarts d6+, Spirit d6+ Scions of magical bloodlines, pawns of fate and destiny, or simply flukes of fickle magic, sorcerers look within themselves for arcane prowess. As they tap into powers few mortals can imagine, these magic-touched souls must learn to harness the power of their birthright. While some seek to control their abilities, others give in to their magic, letting it rule their lives. Sorcerers live and breathe that which other spellcasters devote their lives to mastering. For them magic is more than a useful tool or a field of study; it is life itself. **ARCANE BACKGROUND (Sorcerer):** Sorcerers use Spellcasting as their arcane skill, but it is linked to Spirit instead of Smarts (if multiclassing as a Smarts-based spellcaster, use the better of the two Attributes). On taking this Edge, the hero gains 15 Power Points and two starting powers from the list below. //Available Powers:// Arcane protection, baleful polymorph, banish, barrier, beast friend, blast, blind, bolt, boost/lower Trait, burrow, burst, confusion, conjure item, curse, damage field, darksight, deflection, detect/conceal arcana, disguise, dispel, divination, drain Power Points, elemental manipulation, empathy, entangle, environmental protection, farsight, fear, fly, growth/shrink, havoc, illusion, intangibility, invisibility, light/darkness, locate, mind link, mind reading, mind wipe, object reading, planar binding, plane shift, protection, puppet, scrying, shape change, sloth/speed, slumber, smite, sound/silence, speak language, stun, summon ally, telekinesis, teleport, time stop, wall walker, warrior’s gift, wish, zombie. **ARMOR INTERFERENCE (Any):** Sorcery requires rapid, intricate, and unhindered somatic movements. Sorcerers subtract 4 from their Spellcasting rolls and from their Agility and Agility-based skill rolls if using light, medium, or heavy armor or shields **BLOODLINE:** The sorcerer must choose a bloodline (see page 66). Beneath each Bloodline description is also the additional special ability one gains when taking the Advanced Bloodline Edge (see page below). {{tag>Class_Edge}}