===== Social Edge List ===== ==== General Social Edges ==== ^Name^Rank^Summary^ |[[bolster|Bolster]]|Novice|May remove Distracted or Vulnerable state after a Test.| |[[common_bond|Common Bond]]|Novice|The hero may freely give her Bennies to others.| |[[connections|Connections]]|Novice|Contacts provide aid or other favors once per session.| |[[deceptive|Deceptive]]|Seasoned|Character may make foe resist with Smarts or Spirit when making a Smarts or Spirit-based Test.| |[[humiliate|Humiliate]]|Novice|Free reroll when making Taunt rolls.| |[[menacing|Menacing]]|Novice|+2 to Intimidation| |[[provoke|Provoke]]|Novice|May "provoke" foes with a raise on a Tuant roll. See text.| |[[rabble-rouser|Rabble-Rouser]]|Seasoned|One per turn, affect all foes in a Medium Blast Template with an Intimidation or Taunt Test.| |[[reliable|Reliable]]|Novice|Free reroll when making Support rolls.| |[[retort|Retort]]|Novice|A raise when resisting a Taunt or Intimidation attack makes the foe Distracted.| |[[sharp_tongued|Sharp Tongued]]||Use Performance in place of Taunt| |[[streetwise|Streetwise]]|Novice|+2 to Common Knowledge and criminal networking.| |[[strong_willed|Strong Willed]]|Novice|+2 to resist Smarts or Spirit-based Tests.| |↪ [[iron_will|Iron Will]]|Seasoned|The bonus now applies to resisting and recovery from powers.| |[[swift_support|Swift Support]]|Seasoned|Support allies as a limited free action if your Action Card is a face card or Joker.| |[[work_the_room|Work the Room]]|Novice|Once per turn, roll a second die when Supporting via Performance or Persuasion and apply result to additional ally.| |↪ [[work_the_crowd|Work the Crowd]]|Seasoned|As Work the Room, but up to twice per turn.|