This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ===== Professional Edge List ===== ==== General Professional Edges ==== ^Name^Rank^Summary^ |[[ace|Ace]]|Novice|Character may spend Bennies to Soak damage for his vehicle and ignores up to 2 points of penalties.| |[[acrobat|Acrobat]]|Novice|Free reroll on acrobatics Athletics attempts.| |↪ [[combat_acrobat|Combat Acrobat]]|Seasoned|-1 to hit with ranged and melee attacks against this hero.| |[[born_in_the_saddle|Born in the Saddle]]|Novice|Free reroll on Riding rolls, mount’s Pace increase by 2, Running die increases one step.| |[[explorer|Explorer]]|Novice|Survival roll to draw an additional card when using the Travel rule and choose between the two types; increases party's Travel Times by 10%.| |[[investigator|Investigator]]|Novice|+2 to Academics and certain types of Notice rolls.| |[[jack-of-all-trades|Jack-of-all-Trades]]|Novice|Gain d4 in a skill (or d6 with a raise) until replaced.| |[[knight|Knight]]|Novice|The character has some authority over his liege's subjects (and +1 to Intimidation and Persuasion), and gains a war horse, lance, long sword, a full suit of heavy armor (or medium if preferred), and a medium shield.| |[[loremaster|Loremaster]]|Seasoned|Lore: Free reroll on Academics, Common Knowledge, Occult, or Science.| |[[master_alchemist|Master Alchemist]]|Seasoned|Create potions at half the usual costs in unusual situations.| |[[mcgyver|McGyver]]|Novice|Quickly create improvised devices from scraps.| |[[mount|Mount]]|Novice|The hero gains a mount that becomes more powerful as he gains Ranks.| |[[mr._fix_it|Mr. Fix It]]|Novice|+2 to Repair rolls, half the time required with a raise.| |[[nature_warden|Nature Warden]]|Seasoned|**Survivalist** Gain +1 parry, Survival and Notice rerolls and other benefits in certain terrains.| |[[poisoner|Poisoner]]|Novice|The character creates poisons in half the time and contact poisons last 12 hours instead of four.| |[[scholar|Scholar]]|Novice|+2 to any one "knowledge" skill.| |[[scout|Scout]]|Seasoned|Scout gets aq Notice roll at -2 to detect Travel encounters, are always considered alert vs Stealth, and add +2 to Common Knowledge to know details of areas they've traveled.| |[[soldier|Soldier]]|Novice|Strength is one die type higher for Encumbrance and Min Str. Reroll Vigor rolls when resisting environmental Hazards.| |[[stonecunning|Stonecunning]]|Novice|Notice roll at +2 to detect traps, secret doors, etc., in stone.| |[[thief|Thief]]|Novice|+1 Thievery. Athletics rolls made to climb. Stealth in urban environments.| |[[trap_sense|Trap Sense]]|Seasoned|Automatic Notice roll to detect a trap within 5” (10 yards); she and allies ignore 2 points of Evasion penalties to avoid them; ignores up to 2 points of Thievery penalties when attempting to disarm traps.| |[[treasure_hunter|Treasure Hunter]]|Novice|Smarts to gauge value of goods, may spend Benny to have GM to reroll magic items in random treasure.| |[[troubadour|Troubadour]]|Seasoned|+2 Common Knowledge, may use PErformance instead of Battle for Leadership Edges or Edges that require Battle.| |[[uncanny_reflexes|Uncanny Reflexes]]|Veteran|Character may make foe resist with Smarts or Spirit when making a Smarts or Spirit-based Test.| |[[woodsman|Woodsman]]|Novice|+2 to Survival and Stealth in the wilds.|