This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ===== Prestige Edge List ===== ==== General Prestige Edges ==== ^Name^Rank^Summary^ |[[arcane_archer|Arcane Archer]]|Seasoned|Enhance arrows for +1 Shooting and damage, or give arrows a Trapping of some kind.| |↪ [[arcane_archer_ii|Arcane Archer II]]|Veteran|Empower an arrow to pass through physical barriers, or split into a Hail of Arrows that c overs an LBT.| |↪↪ [[arcane_archer_iii|Arcane Archer III]]|Heroic|Imbue an arrow with an area of effect power once per turn or fire Death Arrow once per day (victim who is Shaken or Wounded must make a Vigor roll or die).| |[[assassin|Assassin]]|Seasoned|Death Attack: If assassin attacks with the Drop and causes at least one Wound, the victim must make Vigor roll or die.| |↪ [[assassin_ii|Assassin II]]|Veteran|Hide in Plain Sight: –4 to be seen if assassin doesn't move. Resistance to Poison: +4 to resist poison.| |↪↪ [[assassin_iii|Assassin III]]|Heroic|Angel of Death: The assassin may crumble a slain victim to dust, preventing resurrection. Swift Death: Once per day, the killer gains the Drop on a foe of her choice.| |[[dragon_disciple|Dragon Disciple]]|Seasoned|Breath Attack: 3d6 damage plus Trapping effects, Cone Template, once per encounter.| |↪ [[dragon_disciple_ii|Dragon Disciple II]]|Veteran|Wings: The character grows wings for Flight (Pace 8).| |↪↪ [[dragon_disciple_iii|Dragon Disciple III]]|Heroic|Dragon Form: Twice per day the dragon disciple may take the form of a dragon of her bloodline.| |[[duelist|Duelist]]|Seasoned|Surgical Strike: +2 damage with certain weapons. Parry: Duelist may Defend if she hasn't acted yet for Parry bonus +6.| |↪ [[duelist_ii|Duelist II]]|Seasoned|Crippling Strike: Reduce foe's Pace by 2 until healed.| |↪↪ [[duelist_iii|Duelist III]]|Veteran|Deflect Arrows: –2 to be hit with physical ranged attacks.| |[[eldritch_knight|Eldritch Knight]]|Seasoned|Eldritch Recharge: Regain a Power Point with raise on an attack or arcane skill.| |[[holy_vindicator|Holy Vindicator]]|Seasoned|Stigmata: The character gains a bonus on healing rolls.| |↪ [[holy_vindicator_ii|Holy Vindicator II]]|Seasoned|Bloodfire: Damage of your weapon is increased by your stigmata.| |↪↪ [[holy_vindicator_iii|Holy Vindicator III]]|Veteran|Bloodrain: Your stigmata causes damage to enemies.| |[[master_spy|Master Spy]]|Seasoned|**Master of Disguise**: Reduce the penatly for disguising yourself as ancestries of different size, age, or gender.| |↪ [[master_spy_ii|Master Spy II]]|Seasoned|**Superficial Knowledge**: Ignore penalties for Smarts based skill checks involving the character's cover.| |↪↪ [[master_spy_iii|Master Spy III]]|Veteran|**Assumption**: Become invisible to divination spells and mind reading.| |[[mystic_theurge|Mystic Theurge]]|Seasoned|Combined Spells: Cast two spells at once, rolling an arcane skill for each along with the Wild Die.| |↪ [[mystic_theurge_ii|Mystic Theurge II]]|Veteran|Spell Synergy: Reduce cost of each spell when using Combined Spells ability.| |<span parent-link>[[savage/edges/sneak_attack|🔗 Sneak Attack]]</span><br> ↪ [[arcane_trickster|Arcane Trickster]]|Seasoned|Ranged Legerdemain: Can use Thievery at Range of 5" at –2 penalty; Impromptu Attack: Once per encounter, trickster may use Sneak Attack without Drop or Vulnerable.| |↪↪ [[arcane_trickster_ii|Arcane Trickster II]]|Seasoned|Invisible Thief: Once per day, automatically cast invisibility for 1 Power Point and an automatic raise (no roll).| |↪↪ [[arcane_trickster_iii|Arcane Trickster III]]|Veteran|Surprise Spells: The hero's spells benefit from Sneak Attack.| |<span parent-link>[[savage/edges/favored_terrain|🔗 Favored Terrain]]</span><br> ↪ [[horizon_walker|Horizon Walker]]|Seasoned|Terrain Mastery: Aids allies in specified terrain type.| |↪↪ [[horizon_walker_ii|Horizon Walker II]]|Veteran|Terrain Dominance: Gain special abilities based on Favored Terrains.| ==== Magic Edges ==== ^Name^Rank^Summary^ |<span parent-link>[[savage/edges/eldritch_knight|🔗 Eldritch Knight]]</span><br> ↪ [[eldritch_strike|Eldritch Strike]]|Veteran|Spend 2 Power Points after making an attack to add +2 to the attack total.| |↪↪ [[improved_eldritch_strike|Improved Eldritch Strike]]|Heroic|Imp. Eldritch Strike: Spend 2 Power Points after making a successful attack to increase the attack's damage by +2.|