===== Power Edge List =====
==== General Power Edges ====
|[[advanced_origin|Advanced Origin]]|Heroic|The sorcerer gains his origin's advanced ability|
|[[arcane_armor|Arcane Armor]]|Novice|The character's Armor Interference is improved by one class (from light to medium, for example)|
|[[arcane_mastery|Arcane Mastery]]|Veteran|You may now use Epic Power Modifiers|
|[[artificer|Artificer]]|Seasoned|Allows user to create Arcane Devices|
|↪ [[master_artificer|Master Artificer]]|Heroic|Artificer gains 1000 gp progress for each success and raise on his Occult roll when making arcane items.|
|[[battle_magic|Battle Magic]]|Veteran|The mage may cast battle magic.|
|[[blood_magic|Blood Magic]]|Novice|The mage recovers d6 Power Points when directly causing a Wound to a sapient creature.|
|[[bouncing_spells|Bouncing Spells]]|Veteran|Redirect a spell to an opponent if your target resists your spell.|
|[[channeling|Channeling]]|Seasoned|Reduce Power Point cost by 1 with a raise on the activation roll.|
|[[chemist|Chemist]]|Novice|Concoctions last one week when given to others instead of 48 hours.|
|[[concentration|Concentration]]|Seasoned|Reduce Power Point cost by 1 with a raise on the activation roll.|
|[[countersong|Countersong]]|Veteran|Allies within 5" get a free reroll when resisting or recovering from enemy spell effects.|
|[[deadly_illusion|Deadly Illusion]]|Seasoned|Take the Deadly Power Modifier at no additional Power Point cost.|
|[[destroy_undead|Destroy Undead]]|Seasoned|Spend 1 Power Point to deal 2d6 damage to undead creatures in a Large Blast Template. (3d6 for 2 Points)|
|[[dirge|Dirge]]|Heroic|Build dread in foes to reduce any Benny-induced Soak rolls or trait and damage rolls by 2.|
|[[eldritch_inspiration|Eldritch Inspiration]]|Heroic|Spend a Benny to cast any power of your Rank or lower as long as you have your spellbook.|
|[[elemental_absorption|Elemental Absorption]]|Novice|Toughness +2 when experiencing elemental synergy.|
|[[elemental_master|Elemental Master]]|Seasoned|Gain an additioanl elemental origin to freely use both Trappings.|
|[[epic_mastery|Epic Mastery]]|Veteran|The caster may use Epic Power Modifiers.|
|[[extra_effort|Extra Effort]]|Seasoned|Increase Focus by +1 for 1 Power Point or +2 for 3 Power Points|
|[[favored_power|Favored Power]]|Seasoned|Caster may ignore 2 points of any penalties when activating one chosen power.|
|[[favored_powers_cleric|Favored Powers (Cleric)]]|Veteran|As a limited free action, the cleric may ignore up to two poitns of any penalties when casting healing, sanctuary, or smite.|
|[[favored_powers_druid|Favored Powers (Druid)]]|Veteran|As a limited free action, the druid may ignore up to two points of any penalties when casting healing, sanctuary, or smite.|
|[[favored_powers_sorcerer|Favored Powers (Sorcerer)]]|Seasoned|As a limited free action, the sorcerer may ignore up to two poitns of any penalties when casting bolt, elemental manipulation, or protection.|
|[[favored_powers_wizard|Favored Powers (Wizard)]]|Seasoned|As a limited free action, the wizard may ignore up to two poitns of any penalties when casting arcane protection, deflection, dispel.|
|[[gadgeteer|Gadgeteer]]|Seasoned|Spend 3 Power Points to create a device that replicates another power.|
|[[great_power|Great Power]]|Veteran|Spend a Benny to cast any power of up to 20 Power Points at a -2 penalty to his Spellcasting roll.|
|↪ [[phenomenal_power|Phenomenal Power]]|Heroic|Spend Conviction to cast any spell in the setting as Great Power.|
|[[heartwood_staff|Heartwood Staff]]|Novice|Focus your magic through a staff made of rare wood that allows you to spend a Power Point to deal an extra d6 damage.|
|[[hell_s_wrath|Hell's Wrath]]|Seasoned|Bolt, Blast and Burst Powers deal an extra +2 damage.|
|[[holy_symbol|Holy Symbol]]|Novice|Hold a symbol of faith to get a reroll on Faith|
|[[holy_unholy_warrior|Holy/Unholy Warrior]]|Seasoned|Add +1 to +4 to Soak rolls for each Power Point spent.|
|[[infernal_armor|Infernal Armor]]|Novice|Gain a +2 armor bonus from dark magic that gives you a visible glow and aura of dark magic.|
|[[instrument|Instrument]]|Novice|Using an instrument of some kind when casting a spell adds +1 to your Performance roll.|
|[[master_of_illusion|Master of Illusion]]|Novice|Gain the Mobility and Sound Power Modifiers at no additional Power Point cost.|
|[[mentalist|Mentalist]]|Seasoned|+2 to opposed Psionics rolls.|
|[[mercy|Mercy]]|Novice|Grant Mercy to a character to recover them from the Distracted, Vulnerable, or Shaken.|
|[[new_powers|New Powers]]|Novice|Your character knows two new powers.|
|[[power_points|Power Points]]|Novice|Gain 5 additional Power Points, no more than once per Rank.|
|[[power_pool|Power Pool]]|Seasoned|Allows a hero with more than one Arcane Background to merge the Power Points from each.|
|[[power_surge|Power Surge]]|Novice|Recover 10 Power Points when dealt a Joker in combat.|
|[[primal_magic|Primal Magic]]|Seasoned|Add +2 to the damage of powers, but if you roll a Critical Failure, everyone in a Large Blast Template centered on you is stunned.|
|[[rapid_recharge|Rapid Recharge]]|Seasoned|Recover 10 Power Points per hour.|
|↪ [[improved_rapid_recharge|Improved Rapid Recharge]]|Veteran|Recover 20 Power Points per hour.|
|[[sacred_fetish|Sacred Fetish]]|Novice|Get one free reroll on failed Faith rolls as long as you hold your Fetish.|
|[[silent_caster|Silent Caster]]|Novice|The mage does not need to speak to cast.|
|[[soul_drain|Soul Drain]]|Seasoned|Recover 5 Power Points for a level of Fatigue.|
|[[spellbooks|Spellbooks]]|Novice|Gain a new power and an additional power each time you take the New Powers Edge.|
|[[strong_illusions|Strong Illusions]]|Novice|Increase the size and power of your illusions, but foes will see through all if they see through one.|
|[[the_evil_eye|The Evil Eye]]|Seasoned|Force one intelligent being make a Spirit roll at -2 before they can spend a Benny.|
|[[the_witching_hour|The Witching Hour]]|Seasoned|During the witching hour, you cannot Critically Fail a roll and get a free Soak roll.|
|[[tinkerer_s_armor|Tinkerer's Armor]]|Seasoned|Reduce the Minimum Strength of leather amor or greater by one die type and add additioanl bonuses to your armor.|
|[[transfer|Transfer]]|Novice|The mage may transfer up to five Power Points to anyone in sight as a limited free action.|
|[[true_form|True Form]]|Seasoned|Speak and cast powers at a -2 penalty when shape changed in a form that normally doesn't allow it.|
|[[wizard|Wizard]]|Seasoned|Spend 1 extra Power Point to change a spell's Trapping.|
|[[savage/edges/berserk|🔗 Berserk]]
↪ [[rage_prophet|Rage Prophet]]|Seasoned|Cast spells while berserk and make them harder to resist.|
|↪↪ [[rage_prophet_ii|Rage Prophet II]]|Veteran|Spells targeting the caster are limited free actions.|
==== Mystic Powers Edges ====
|[[mystic_powers_barbarian|Mystic Powers (Barbarian)]]|Seasoned|Boost Trait (Fighting, Strength, Spirit, or Vigor only), smite, and speed. All have the Self Limitation.|
|[[mystic_powers_fighter|Mystic Powers (Fighter)]]|Seasoned|Boost Trait (Fighting, Shooting, Strength, and Vigor only), protection, and smite. All have the Self Limitation.|
|[[mystic_powers_monk|Mystic Powers (Monk)]]|Seasoned|Boost Trait (Agility, Athletics, Fighting, and Spirit only), deflection, smite and speed/slow (speed only). All have the Self Limitation. |
|↪ [[great_ki|Great Ki]]|Veteran|The monk's Mystic Powers now includes Boost Trait (Strength), protection, speed, wall walker, warrior's gift.|
|[[mystic_powers_paladin|Mystic Powers (Paladin)]]|Seasoned|Boost Trait (Fighting and Spirit only), healing, protection, sanctuary and smite. All but healing have the Self Limitation. |
|[[mystic_powers_ranger|Mystic Powers (Ranger)]]|Seasoned|Beast friend, boost Trait (Athletics, Shooting, and Survival only), entangle, warrior's gift and farsight. All but entangle and beast friend have the Self Limitation. |
|[[mystic_powers_rogue|Mystic Powers (Rogue)]]|Seasoned|Boost Trait (Athletics, Stealth, and Thievery only), darksight, lock/unlock, sound/silence and wall walker. All have the Self Limitation.|
|[[mystic_powers_shadow_force|Mystic Powers (Shadow Force)]]|Veteran|blast, illusion, summon ally, or teleport (self only). All of these have a Shadow Trapping.|
==== Summoning Edges ====
|[[arcane_barding|Arcane Barding]]|Seasoned|Grant your summoned animals a +2 bonus to Toughness.|
|[[construct_familiar|Construct Familiar]]|Novice|Build a mechanical animal companion that serves as your Familiar.|
|[[familiar|Familiar]]|Novice|Caster gains a small pet that grants her 5 Power Points and other abilities.|
|[[ferocious_summoning|Ferocious Summoning]]|Seasoned|Grant your summon monster summons any one Combat Edge of your rank or lower.|
|[[great_summoning|Great Summoning]]|Heroic|Summon unique beasts such as a barghest, mammoth, frost mammoth, t-rex, or young dragon.|
|[[undead_familiar|Undead Familiar]]|Seasoned|Get an undead animal as a familiar|