This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Pathfinder Chronicler ====== ===== Pathfinder Chronicler ===== **//Requirements://** Seasoned, Survival d6+, Common Knowledge or Occult d8+ Brave explorers and seekers of lost or forgotten knowledge, these heroes are quintessential adventurers. They travel the world searching for esoteric truths, magical and mundane relics, and unexplored vistas. Pathfinding: The pathfinder increases the party’s speed by 10% when navigating to known or mapped locations. See Travel on page 165. She also knows which paths are safest and where to exercise additional caution. If the Game Master is drawing for encounters and gets the Enemies result (see page 165), the chronicler may make a Smarts roll at −2 to discard that card and replace it with the next card in the deck. {{tag>Prestige_Edge}}