This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Nature Warden ====== ===== Nature Warden ===== **//Requirements://** Rank: Seasoned, Survival d6+ Nature wardens are guardians of the wild places of the world, highly skilled in negotiating their way among the nonhuman inhabitants of the wild. They befriend and train a beast as a companion, but nature wardens are much more than tamers of wild things. They are experts at navigating the harsh brutality of nature’s fury and making do with whatever tools and weapons present themselves. **SURVIVALIST:** The nature warden chooses a terrain type (as with the [[savage/edges/Favored Terrain]] edge). While in this terrain, the warden has +1 Parry, gets a free reroll on Survival and Notice checks in this terrain, and ignores Difficult Ground and Hazards caused by natural elements. She can select another terrain every time she takes a Nature Warden Edge. {{tag>Professional_Edge Fantasy_Edge}}