This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Mystic Theurge ====== ===== Mystic Theurge ===== **//Requirements://** Rank: Seasoned, two Arcane Backgrounds with two different arcane skills. Mystic theurges place no boundaries on their magical abilities, whether they stem from the arcane or divine. Combined Spells: A theurge can cast two spells as a limited action. The theurge must use two different arcane skills, declare her spells and all Power Modifiers as usual, then roll a die for each (the Wild Die can replace either). If the arcane skills have the same die type use different colored dice so you know which is which. The cost of both spells must be paid separately, and effects from Critical Failure apply normally but don’t stack. //Example: A theurge casts bolt with Spellcasting (d8) and healing with Faith (d10). She rolls a d8, a d10, and her Wild die, which may take the place of either skill die. She casts both spells, spends the usual number of Power Points, and may use any Power Modifiers she wishes for each.// {{tag>Prestige_Edge Fantasy_Edge}}