Requirements: Rank: Seasoned, Spirit d8+
In worlds where magic is relatively common, disciplined adventurers may learn a few simple powers to help them in their quests.
The character has 10 dedicated Power Points that recharge normally. As a limited free action, the hero automatically activates the power with success for its regular cost, or with a raise for an additional 2 Power Points. She may use applicable Power Modifiers if desired (at the usual cost).
Mystic Powers doesn’t grant access to Edges that require an Arcane Background, but she may take the Power Points or Soul Drain Edge. If the hero also has an Arcane Background, none of its Edges or abilities can be used with Mystic Powers and viceversa.
Abilities noted as “Self Only” do not get any additional benefit from that Limitation.
The Paladin's mystic powers include: Boost Trait (Fighting and Spirit only), healing, protection, sanctuary and smite. All but healing have the Self Limitation.