Requirements: Rank: Novice, Riding d6+
The hero has a mount that is hardier and more clever than most and utterly loyal to its master (even if it’s cantankerous or otherwise disagreeable).
Normal Size heroes may have a riding horse, war horse, or elven horse (with the GM’s permission). Smaller heroes may also choose a boar, large cat, dire wolf, or wolf. Other mounts may be available as makes sense for the character and the setting.
Whatever the beast, its Smarts is one die type higher than normal and it’s Resilient.
For each of your character’s current Ranks, and each time he gains a new Rank thereafter, the mount gains one of the following effects:
- Increase a Trait one die type, no more than once per Trait. - Gain an Edge or Monstrous ability that makes sense for its species (GM’s call). It must meet the Requirements as usual.
Death: If the mount perishes, another takes its place eventually, perhaps after a narrative encounter or visit to a place where such creatures can be tamed or purchased.
GREAT MOUNT: At Heroic Rank you may choose to keep your mount and Advance it normally, or dismiss it for a “Great Mount.” (Or simply take a Great Mount if you didn’t have this Edge previously.)
Normal Size heroes may choose a bear, dinosaur (giant herbivore or pterosaur), elephant, giant animal (bird, centipede, scorpion, toad), griffin, hippogriff, pegasus, sabre-toothed tiger, unicorn, or wyvern. Small heroes may also choose a dinosaur (velociraptor), giant animal (ant, crab, lizard), lion, or peryton. A Great Mounts’ Smarts is one die type higher than normal, it’s Very Resilient, and it gains one Advance for each of its master’s Ranks as described above.
LEGENDARY MOUNT: At Legendary Rank you may choose to keep your mount and Advance it normally, or dismiss it for a “Legendary Mount.” (Or simply take a Legendary Mount if you didn’t have this Edge previously.)
Normal Size heroes may choose to ride dinosaur (tyrannosaurus rex), a dragon (young, the player chooses the type of dragon and breath weapon), drake, mammoth, roc, or tree folk (young). Smaller heroes may ride a dragon (young).
A Legendary Mounts’ Smarts is one die type higher than normal, it’s a Wild Card, and it gains one Advance for each of its master’s Ranks as described above.