====== McGyver ====== ===== McGyver ===== **//Requirements://** Rank: Novice, Smarts d6+, Notice d8+, Repair d6+ A McGyver can improvise a device from common resources when the need arises. Given a few simple items, he can make a [[Repair]] roll to craft [[improvised weapons]], [[explosives]], or [[tools]], that last until used or the end of the encounter (GM’s call). This takes one entire turn, and he can’t move or take any other actions while constructing the device. Failure means the device isn’t ready. A Critical Failure means he doesn’t have the right materials and can’t create the device this encounter. Success creates a minor explosive (2d4 explosive in a Small Blast Template), a one shot projectile weapon like a “zip gun” (Range 5/10/20, Damage 2d6), rickety raft, electrical source, etc. A raise creates a larger explosive (2d6 in a Medium Blast Template or 2d4 in a Large), a better ranged weapon (five shots, 2d8 damage, Range 10/20/40), a more stable raft, a more powerful battery, etc. The quality or power of the creation is completely up to the Game Master, but creativity should be rewarded, particularly in the most dire and dramatic situations. {{tag>Professional_Edge Default_Edge}}