Master Spy

Master Spy

Requirements: Rank: Seasoned, Notice d6+, Persuasion d8+, Performance d6+

Unparalleled practitioners of deception, master spies rely on deceit and trickery over brawn and spells. A master spy is an expert at both magical and non-magical means of evading detection, and quick-witted when it comes to improvisation.

MASTER OF DISGUISE: A master spy can create a disguise in less than a minute if she has access to a disguise kit or some basic supplies. She reduces any penalties that might come from assuming the persona of a person of different gender, ancestry, age, or size by 2. Additionally, she can cast minor conceal arcana on herself or her equipment as a limited free action. This costs no Power Points and lapses only when she decides to drop it or is sleeping or unconscious.