This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ===== Legendary Edge List ===== ==== General Legendary Edges ==== ^Name^Rank^Summary^ |[[followers|Followers]]|Legendary|The hero has five followers.| |[[home_ground|Home Ground]]|Legendary|Once per encounter, while on "home ground," caster may spend a Benny to recover all her Power Points. She may also 'sense' the state of her home.| |[[relic|Relic]]|Legendary|The character may choose any one magic item in the book (with GM's permission).| |[[sidekick|Sidekick]]|Legendary|The character gains a Wild Card sidekick| |[[soul_jar|Soul Jar]]|Legendary|Become a Lich.| |[[tough_as_nails|Tough as Nails]]|Legendary|The hero can take four Wounds before being Incapacitated.| |↪ [[tougher_than_nails|Tougher than Nails]]|Legendary|The hero can take five Wounds before being Incapacitated.| |[[true_professional|True Professional]]|Legendary|The character's Trait and its limit increases one step.| |↪ [[true_expert|True Expert]]|Legendary|The character's Trait and its limit increases one step| |↪↪ [[true_master|True Master]]|Legendary|The character's Wild Die is a d10 with a chosen Trait.| |[[warband|Warband]]|Legendary|Five of the champion's Followers gain the Resilient ability.| |[[weapon_master|Weapon Master]]|Legendary|Parry increases by +1 and Fighting bonus damage die is d8.| |↪ [[master_of_arms|Master of Arms]]|Legendary|Parry increases another +1 and Fighting bonus damage die is d10.| |<span parent-link>[[savage/edges/nerves_of_steel|🔗 Nerves of Steel]]</span><br> ↪ [[unstoppable|Unstoppable]]|Legendary|Hero ahs the Unstoppable Monstrous Ability.|