===== Leadership Edge List ===== ==== General Leadership Edges ==== ^Name^Rank^Summary^ |[[command|Command]]|Novice|+1 to Extras' Shaken or Stunned recovery rolls.| |↪ [[banner|Banner]]|Seasoned|Carry a symbol that grants rerolls to allies within 10" on Fear checks and running die rolls once per turn. Can wave the banner to remove Distracted and Vulnerable conditions.| |↪ [[last_stand|Last Stand]]|Heroic|Inspire Last Stand: Bring Allies back from the brink of death.| |↪ [[voice_of_authority|Voice of Authority]]|Veteran|Grant Allies one of your combat edges.| |↪ [[inspiring_command|Inspiring Command]]|Seasoned|Grant your allies increased fighting capabilities in comabt.| |↪ [[tactician|Tactician]]|Seasoned|Draw an extra Action Card each turn that may be assigned to any allied Extra in Command Range.| |↪↪ [[master_tactician|Master Tactician]]|Veteran|Draw and distribute two extra Action Cards instead of one.| |↪ [[natural_leader|Natural Leader]]|Seasoned|Leadership Edges now apply to Wild Cards| |↪↪ [[team_up|Team Up]]|Veteran|Allow allies to use limited actions and limited free actions an additional time each turn.| |↪ [[inspire|Inspire]]|Seasoned|Once per turn, the hero may roll his Battle skill to Support one type of Trait roll, and apply it to everyone in Command Range.| |↪ [[hold_the_line|Hold the Line!]]|Seasoned|+1 to Extras' Toughness in Command Range| |↪ [[fervor|Fervor]]|Veteran|Extras in range add +1 to their Fighting damage rolls.| |↪ [[command_presence|Command Presence]]|Seasoned|Increase Command Range to 10" (20 yards).|