Requirements: Rank: Novice, Spirit d6+, Strength d8+, Vigor d8+, Fighting d8+, Riding d6+, other: Obligation (Major — serve their lord)
Knights pledge fealty to their lord, serving as enforcers and most importantly warriors in whatever cause their liege demands. They have whatever authority their lord gives them over common folk in their realm. This is usually limited to food, lodging, and basic services required to fulfill their duties, but with express approval may also include mustering militias, adjudicating disputes, and dispensing justice.
They represent their liege, and such, Knights represent their master, add +1 to Intimidation or Persuasion rolls with those who respect or fear authority.
If taken during character creation, or with the GM’s approval afterward, the hero inherits or is granted a war horse, lance, long sword, a full suit of heavy armor (or medium if preferred), and a medium shield.