Inspire Heroics

Inspire Heroics

Requirements: Rank: Seasoned, Arcane Background: Bard, Performance d8+

Bards inspire their comrades with epic tales of valor and bravery. Once during any combat encounter (GM’s call), the bard can spend a Benny to gain five Inspiration tokens. This is a limited free action.

For the remainder of the encounter, the bard may give these tokens to anyone within a Range of Smarts except himself. This may be done at any time (as long as the bard is conscious). The recipient must use the token immediately—it cannot be saved.

Each Inspiration token allows a character to reroll a Trait or damage roll. A Trait or damage roll may only benefit from a single Inspiration Token, even if there are multiple bards present. Further rerolls require spending a Benny or a special ability.

Inspiration tokens aren’t Bennies, don’t trigger Edges that use Bennies (such as Elan), and can’t be used as such in any other way such as drawing new Action Cards or Soaking Wounds.