Requirements: Rank: Seasoned, Survival d6+, Favored Terrain Edge
Horizon walkers are masters of travel, always seeking to find safe paths through inhospitable terrain. They are comfortable in places others speak of only in hushed whispers, and can venture forth onto untrod paths to guide the less-traveled through such hazardous lands.
You may change your current favored terrain if you'd like, and you now may also add a planar terrain to your favored terrain list, such as: Astral Plane, Ethereal Plane, Elemental Plane (One of Air, Earth, Water, Fire, Wood, Metal), Outer Plane (One of the 16 Alignment planes), the Outlands, or some other plane of existence such as Dark Sun, Aber-Toril, Oerth.
TERRAIN MASTERY: When within a horizon walker's Favored Terrain, he may, as a limited free action, grant all allies who can see and hear him and are within 5“ (10 yards) a free reroll on their next Athletics, Notice, Stealth, or Survival check.