====== Hex ====== ===== Hex ===== **//Requirements://** Rank: Novice, Arcane Background: Witch or Shaman Witches, Shamans, and similar magic users have access to additional supernatural abilities called hexes. You gain one of the following hexes each time you take this Edge and you can take it once per Rank. You cannot select an individual hex more than once. **AGONY:** As a limited free action, the witch makes an opposed Spirit roll against an enemy within a Range equal to her Smarts. With success, she makes the target Distracted or Vulnerable (both with a raise). **AUGMENT:** The witch may cast the following powers as a limited free action: curse, fly (the hex doesn't grant these powers). **BLIGHT:** The witch curses an animal, plant, or a plot of land. This takes a full round of concentration, and she and her familiar must be in contact with part of the area to be corrupted. If used on a plot of land, plants wither the following day and die completely over the next week. Nothing grows in that area so long as the hex persists. A witch may affect an area with a radius equal to twice her Smarts. Dispel can be used to remove a blight, but the caster must first walk the perimeter of the blighted area for one hour before attempting to cast. The witch can instead take an action to blight a creature of the Animal or Plant Type. The witch touches the target and makes a Spellcasting roll. Success reduces the creature's Toughness by 4 (to a minimum of 1). At the end of each of the creature's turns it makes a Spirit roll (at –2 with a raise) as a free action to end the effect. A witch can only have one blight in effect at a time. Casting a new one terminates the other immediately **CACKLE:** A witch may issue a hideous and disturbing cackle as a free action. Distracted or Vulnerable creatures don't remove these conditions as long as they remain within 10" (20 yards) of a cackling witch. **CHARM:** The witch may cast the following powers as a limited free action: beast friend, puppet (this hex doesn't grant these powers). **EVIL EYE:** The witch may cast the following powers as a limited free action: boost/lower Trait, slumber (the hex does not grant her these powers). **HEALING:** The witch may cast the following powers as a limited free action: healing, relief (the hex does not grant her these powers) {{tag>Weird_Edge Fantasy_Edge}}