Requirements: Rank: Seasoned, Arcane Background: Weird Science, Weird Science d6+
Some mechanical gurus can build incredible devices out of most anything.
A Gadgeteer can spend up to three Power Points to “jury rig” a device from any reasonable collection of spare parts. This allows her to activate any power normally available to Weird Scientists of her Rank or lower in her particular setting, with a Power Point cost of 3 or lower.
The total cost of an individual power (plus any modifiers) cannot exceed the points spent to create it, nor can the inventor apply Limitations to the gadget. She may attempt to create multiple devices as long as she has the points to do so.
Each gadget is created and activated with a Weird Science roll at –2. This takes one entire turn, during which she can do nothing else (she cannot take Multi-Actions that turn). In all other ways, it works as the normal activation of a power.
The inventor uses Power Points directly from her pool for the device, but once its initial Duration is finished (it cannot be maintained) it falls apart into its component pieces.