

Requirements: Rank: Novice, Strength d6+, Athletics, Fighting, or Shooting d6+

Some take up arms for glory, wealth, or revenge. Others do battle to prove themselves, to protect others, or because they know nothing else. Still others learn the ways of weapon-craft to hone their bodies in battle and prove their mettle in the forge of war.

Lords of the battlefield, fighters are a disparate lot. Some train with many weapons; some prefer just one. Whatever their tactics, fighters excel at combat. They protect their own and defeat their enemies, rarely shying away from battle. They often lead the charge, a role they relish even if they don’t insist on it.

These skilled warriors turn hunks of metal into arms capable of taming kingdoms, slaughtering monsters, and rousing the hearts of armies. Woe to those who dare stand against them.

MARTIAL FLEXIBILITY: Once per encounter, as a limited free action, a fighter can choose to gain the benefits of a single Combat Edge. He must meet all of the Edge’s Requirements, and the benefits of the chosen Edge end after five rounds.