Requirements: Rank: Novice, Arcane Background: Diabolist, Druid, Elementalist, Necromancer, Shaman, Sorcerer, Warlock/Witch, Wizard
“Familiars” are small creatures (Size −2 or −3) that serve as a mage’s loyal pet and magical companion. They are loyal to their masters but aren’t slaves. They are very smart versions of their species and can occasionally be distracted by their own inherent instincts. For example, a cat might interrupt its task to chase a mouse or take a brief nap, and a dog will almost certainly bark when a stranger approaches.
A familiar is a Wild Card with respect to Wounds and rolling a Wild Die with its Trait rolls. It doesn’t get Bennies, but the mage can spend his own on its behalf.
The familiar can understand its master’s speech and vice-versa (others hear only the creature’s natural sounds), though concepts are limited to what a member of its species might understand.
The familiar has 5 Power Points of its own. It cannot cast spells, but the mage can draw on them as if they were his own. They recharge separately and at the same rate as the mage’s.
The bond between the familiar and the mage makes it immune to the beast friend power cast by others.
Familiars don’t advance, but instead gain one of the advantages below for each of its master’s Ranks (including Novice) and for every fourth advance the hero gains past Legendary.
SECOND SIGHT: The owner may use the familiar’s senses as if they were her own, with a maximum range of 10 miles. She is Distracted and Vulnerable while doing so.
TRAINING: The mage can increase one of the familiar’s Traits one die type (no more than once per Trait).
ENHANCEMENT: The familiar gains an Edge. It must make sense for the familiar’s species (GM’s call) and meet the Requirements as usual.
If a familiar dies, the hero is automatically Stunned (no matter how far away he is). He can summon another after 10 days and can change the type if she chooses.