This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Druid ====== ===== Druid ===== **//Requirements://** Rank: Novice, Spirit d6+, Survival d6+ In the purity and beauty of nature lingers a power beyond the marvels of civilization. These primal magics are guarded by servants of balance known as druids. Allies to beasts and manipulators of nature, these protectors shield their lands from all who threaten them. Rewarded for their devotion with incredible powers, druids gain unparalleled shapeshifting abilities, the companionship of mighty beasts, and the power to call upon nature’s wrath. The mightiest temper powers akin to storms, earthquakes, and volcanoes with wisdom long forgotten by civilization. **ARCANE BACKGROUND (Druid):** Druids use Faith as their arcane skill. On taking this Edge, the hero gains 3 starting powers and 10 Power Points. //Available Powers:// Druids choose spells from the cleric's available powers (page 48) and under the Nature Domain (page 50). **ARMOR INTERFERENCE (Light):** Bulky armor interferes with a druid’s ability to sense and commune with nature. They subtract 4 from their Faith rolls and from their Agility and Agility-based skill rolls if using medium or heavy armor or shields. Druids cannot use metal armor at all. **NATURE BOND:** A druid may attune herself to nature or a special animal companion. The bonds druids form with nature are deep and powerful. Choose one of these abilities: //Attuned:// The druid gets one free reroll anytime she fails a Faith roll to activate a spell. //Beast Master:// The druid gains the Beast Master Edge, gaining an animal companion. This companion is a Wild Card. **NATURE SENSE:** Druids commune with nature and its spirits. Survival is linked to Spirit rather than Smarts. **SECRET LANGUAGE:** All druids know the secret language known as druidic. **VOW (Major):** Druids have a major vow to protect nature. Those drawing energy from divine sources must uphold the principles of the Nature Domain. If the druid violates her deity's trust (GM's call) the druid subtracts 2 from Faith rolls for a week. Truly sacrilegious acts might rob her of her powers entirely until she atones in some way. **WILDERNESS STRIDE:** Druids pass through terrain such as dense forest, rocky hills, or desert sands with ease. They ignore penalties for Difficult Ground (see page 124). {{tag>Class_Edge}}