====== Dragon Disciple III ====== ===== Dragon Disciple III ===== **//Requirements://** Rank: Heroic, [[savage/Dragon Disciple II]] Edge The disciple’s transformation is now complete—this permanently changes her Type to Dragon. Dragon Form: Twice per day as a limited action, the dragon disciple may take the form of a dragon of her bloodline. This makes her Size 3, Strength d12, and Vigor d10. She has Armor 4, and her Bite/Claw attack is Str+d8, AP 2. Her wings grow to accommodate her form. If she doesn't already have it, her dragon form also grants her environmental resistance common to her draconic heritage (electricity for blue, fire for red, etc.) Her clothing, gear, and magic items meld into her form and provide no benefits. She can remain in this form for up to five minutes, and extend the Duration another five minutes by taking a level of Fatigue. She may still speak and cast spells in dragon form. {{tag>Prestige_Edge Fantasy_Edge}}