===== Combat Edge List ===== ==== General Combat Edges ==== ^Name^Rank^Summary^ |[[alacrity_of_mind|Alacrity of Mind]]|Seasoned|Use Smarts instead of Athletics when making [[savage/hold#Interrupting Actions]].| |[[armor_training|Armor Training]]|Novice|Lessen an Armor Restriction hindrance| |[[block|Block]]|Seasoned|+1 Parry, ignore 1 point of Gang Up bonus| |↪ [[improved_block|Improved Block]]|Veteran|+2 Parry and ignore 2 points of Gang Up Bonus| |[[combat_reflexes|Combat Reflexes]]|Seasoned|+2 Spirit to recover from being Shaken or Stunned.| |[[counterattack|Counterattack]]|Seasoned|Free attack against one foe per turn who failed a Fighting roll.| |↪ [[improved_counterattack|Improved Counterattack]]|Seasoned|As Counterattack, but against three failed attacks per turn.| |[[covering_defense|Covering Defense]]|Novice|Defend maneuver aids allies as well.| |[[deadly_blow|Deadly Blow]]|Seasoned|The fighter adds +1 to all his damaging attacks.| |[[defender|Defender]]|Seasoned|Character may share his shield's Parry and cover bonus with one adjacent ally.| |[[dirty_fighter|Dirty Fighter]]|Seasoned|+2 to Fighting Tricks.| |↪ [[really_dirty_fighter|Really Dirty Fighter]]|Seasoned|Raise on a Fighting Test grants The Drop| |[[dodge|Dodge]]|Seasoned|-2 to be hit by ranged attacks. (Does not stack with cover)| |↪ [[improved_dodge|Improved Dodge]]|Seasoned|+2 to Evasion totals.| |[[exploit_weakness|Exploit Weakness]]|Heroic|Attack as if you are using a damage type they are weak to and slow enemy regeneration.| |[[extraction|Extraction]]|Novice|One adjacent foe doesn't get a free attack when you withdraw from close combat.| |↪ [[improved_extraction|Improved Extraction]]|Seasoned|Three adjacent foes don't get free attacks when you withdraw from combat.| |[[feint|Feint]]|Novice|You may choose to make a foe resist with Smarts instead of Agility during a Fighting Test.| |[[formation_fighter|Formation Fighter]]|Novice|Fighter adds +2 to Gang Up bonus instead of +1.| |↪ [[shield_wall|Shield Wall]]|Novice|Fighter with shield adds +1 Parry to adjacent ally with Shield Wall Edge| |[[free_runner|Free Runner]]|Novice|Ignore Difficult Ground and add +2 to Athletics in foot chases and Athletics (climbing).| |[[giant_killer|Giant Killer]]|Veteran|+1d6 damage vs creatures three Sizes larger or more.| |[[hard_to_kill|Hard to Kill]]|Novice|Ignore Wound penalties when making Vigor rolls to avoid Bleeding Out.| |↪ [[harder_to_kill|Harder to Kill]]|Veteran|Roll a die if the character perishes. On an even roll he's Incapacitated but survives somehow.| |[[heroic_defiance|Heroic Defiance]]|Seasoned|Automatically remove one of the listed negative conditions.| |[[iron_jaw|Iron Jaw]]|Novice|+2 to Soak and Vigor rolls to avoid Knockout Blows.| |↪ [[take_the_hit|Take the Hit]]|Seasoned|Free reroll when Soaking or resisting Knockout Blows.| |[[killer_instinct|Killer Instinct]]|Seasoned|The hero gets a free reroll in any opposed Test he initiates.| |[[missile_shield|MIssile Shield]]|Veteran|Increase your Toughness against ranged attacks.| |[[martial_flexibility|Martial Flexibility]]|Seasoned|Once per encounter, character may gain the benefits of an eligible Combat Edge for five rounds.| |↪ [[improved_martial_flexibility|Improved Martial Flexibility]]|Veteran|The fighter may now choose two Combat Edges per encounter.| |[[missile_deflection|Missile Deflection]]|Heroic|Ranged attackers use character's Parry as base TN.| |[[mounted_shield|Mounted Shield]]|Novice|You grant your shield bonus to your mount.| |[[nerves_of_steel|Nerves of Steel]]|Novice|Ignore one level of Wound penalties.| |↪ [[improved_nerves_of_steel|Improved Nerves of Steel]]|Novice|Ignore up to two level of Wound penalties.| |[[no_mercy|No Mercy]]|Seasoned|+2 damage when spending a Benny to reroll damage.| |[[opportunistic|Opportunistic]]|Veteran|A Joker adds +4 to Trait and damage rolls rather than +2.| |[[roar|Roar]]|Seasoned|Maymake an Intimidation Test in a Cone Template.| |[[scorch|Scorch]]|Seasoned|Character's breath weapon increases a die type, and allows her to use Cone or Stream template.| |[[shatterspell|Shatterspell]]|Novice|Make a limited action to dispel a power.| |[[sneak_attack|Sneak Attack]]|Novice|+2 to damage to Vulnerable foes, or when the rogue has The Drop| |↪ [[shadow_strike|Shadow Strike]]|Veteran|Use your sneak attack in areas with bad illumination| |↪ [[improved_sneak_attack|Improved Sneak Attack]]|Veteran|May sneak attack a Distracted foe.| |↪ [[greater_sneak_attack|Greater Sneak Attack]]|Seasoned|Replaces rogue's +2 damage with a d6.| |[[steady_hands|Steady Hands]]|Novice|Ignore Unstable Platform penalty; reduce running penalty to -1.| |[[stunning_blow|Stunning Blow]]|Seasoned|Foe must make a Vigor roll or be Stunned if Shaken or Wounded with a blunt weapon.| |[[sunder|Sunder]]|Novice|Attacker adds +d6 to damage when trying to break things.| |[[trademark_weapon|Trademark Weapon]]|Novice|+1 to Athletics (throwing), Fighting, or Shooting total with a specific weapon; +1 Parry while weapon is readied.| |↪ [[improved_trademark_weapon|Improved Trademark Weapon]]|Seasoned|The attack and Parry bonus increases to +2| |[[tripping_strike|Tripping Strike]]|Seasoned|Cause an enemy to be knocked prone.| |[[under_and_over|Under and Over]]|Novice|Knock over large enemies attacking you.| |[[weapon_specialization|Weapon Specialization]]|Seasoned|Specialize in a weapon type for a free reroll on its damage rolls.| |[[savage/edges/favored_enemy|🔗 Favored Enemy]]
↪ [[master_hunter|Master Hunter]]|Heroic|The hunter adds an additional d6 damage when making a successful Athletics (throwing), Fighting, or shooting attack against their Favored Enemies.| |[[savage/edges/berserk|🔗 Berserk]]
↪ [[spirit_warrior|Spirit Warrior]]|Heroic|Become better at killing fae, outsiders and similar creatures while going berserk| ==== Initiative Edges ==== ^Name^Rank^Summary^ |[[calculating|Calculating]]|Novice|Ignore up to 2 points of penalties on one action with an Action Card of Five or less.| |[[intimidating_glare|Intimidating Glare]]|Veteran|Make an Intimidation roll as a free action when dealt a Jack or better in combat.| |[[level_headed|Level Headed]]|Seasoned|Draw an additional Action Card each round in combat and choose which one to use.| |↪ [[improved_level_headed|Improved Level Headed]]|Seasoned|Draw two additional Action Cards each round in combat and choose which one to use.| ==== Melee Attacks Edges ==== ^Name^Rank^Summary^ |[[charge|Charge]]|Seasoned|+2 damage to first Fighting roll when running at least 5" (10 yards).| |[[close_fighting|Close Fighting]]|Novice|Fighter armed with a knife or small weapon adds REach +1 and Parry +1 toward a single foe armed with a larger weapon.| |↪ [[improved_close_fighting|Improved Close Fighting]]|Veteran|The bonus from Close Fighting increases to Reach +2| |[[first_strike|First Strike]]|Novice|Free Fighting attack once per round when foe moves within Reach.| |↪ [[improved_first_strike|Improved First Strike]]|Heroic|Free Fighting attack against up to three foes when they move within Reach.| |[[frenzy|Frenzy]]|Seasoned|Roll a second Fighting die with one melee attack per turn.| |↪ [[improved_frenzy|Improved Frenzy]]|Veteran|Roll a second Fighting die with up to two melee attacks per turn.| |[[martial_prowess|Martial Prowess]]|Heroic|The fighter gets a free reroll on any failed Fighting roll.| |[[mighty_blow|Mighty Blow]]|Novice|When dealt a Joker, deal double damage on first successful Fighting roll.| |[[opportunistic_strike|Opportunistic Strike]]|Heroic|The rogue gets a free attack against a foe who Withdraws from Melee, even if they have Extraction. If they don't have Extraction, they count as Vulnerable to her.| |[[savagery|Savagery]]|Novice|+4 damage when Wild Attacking rather than +2.| |[[sweep|Sweep]]|Novice|Fighting rolla t -2 to hit all targets in weapon's Reach, no more than once per turn.| |↪ [[improved_sweep|Improved Sweep]]|Veteran|As Sweep, but ignore the -2 penalty.| |[[two-fisted|Two-Fisted]]|Novice|Make one extra Fighting roll with a second melee weapon in the off-hand at no Multi-Action penalty.| ==== Ranged Attacks Edges ==== ^Name^Rank^Summary^ |[[dead_shot|Dead Shot]]|Novice|When dealt a Joker, double damage of first Athletics (throwing) or Shooting roll.| |[[double_shot|Double Shot]]|Seasoned|Extra Shooting or Athletics (throwing) die, once per turn.| |↪ [[improved_double_shot|Improved Double Shot]]|Heroic|Extra die up to twice per turn.| |[[double_tap|Double Tap]]|Seasoned|+1 to hit and damage when firing no more than RoF 1 per action| |[[marksman|Marksman]]|Seasoned|Ignore up to 2 points of penalties from Range, Cover, Called Shot, Scale, or Speed; or add +1 to first Athletics (throwing) or Shooting roll. Character may not move or fire greater than RoF 1.| |[[point_blank_master|Point Blank Master]]|Veteran|Become better at shooting while engaged with enemies| |[[rapid_fire|Rapid Fire]]|Seasoned|Increase RoF by 1 for one Shooting attack per turn.| |↪ [[improved_rapid_fire|Improved Rapid Fire]]|Seasoned|Increase RoF by 1 for one Shooting attack per turn.| |[[rapid_reload|Rapid Reload]]|Novice|Reduce the Reload value of a weapon by 1.| |[[rock_and_roll|Rock and Roll!]]|Seasoned|Ignore the Recoil penalty when firing weapons with a RoF of 2 or more. Characters may not move.| |[[trick_shot|Trick Shot]]|Seasoned|Character may make foe resist with Smarts instead of Agility with Athletics or Shooting Test.| |[[two-gun_kid|Two-Gun Kid]]|Novice|Make one extra Shooting (or Athletics (throwing)) roll with a second ranged weapon in the off-hand at no Multi-Action penalty.| ==== Unarmed Fighting Edges ==== ^Name^Rank^Summary^ |[[brawler|Brawler]]|Novice|Toughness +1, add d4 to damage from fists; or increase it a die type if combined with Marial Artist, Claws, or similar abilities.| |↪ [[bruiser|Bruiser]]|Seasoned|Increase unarmed Strength damage a die type and Toughness another +1| |[[improvisational_fighter|Improvisational Fighter]]|Seasoned|Ignore -2 penalty when attacking with improvised weapons.| |[[martial_artist|Martial Artist]]|Novice|Unarmed Fighting +1, fists and feet count as Natural Weapons, add d4 damage die to unarmed Fighting attacks (or increase die a step if you already have it).| |↪ [[martial_warrior|Martial Warrior]]|Seasoned|Unarmed Fighting +2, increase damage die type a step.| |↪↪ [[chi|Chi]]|Veteran|Once per combat, reroll failed attack, make enemy reroll successful attack, or add +d6 to unarmed Fighting attack.|