Requirements: Rank: Novice, Spirit d6+, Occult d6+
In faith and the miracles of the divine, many find a greater purpose. Called to serve powers beyond most mortal understanding, all priests provide for the spiritual needs of their people. More than mere preachers, clerics serve as emissaries of their gods.
While clerics of different faiths share similar abilities, they are as different from one another as the divinities they serve. Some offer healing and redemption, others judge law and truth, and still others spread conflict and corruption.
ARCANE BACKGROUND (Cleric): Clerics use Faith as their arcane skill. On taking this Edge, a character gains 10 Power Points and must choose a Domain for the deity she serves from the list on pages 50–51. All clerics start with the healing power and two other powers from their available powers.
AVAILABLE POWERS: Clerics have access to powers from the list below plus the powers listed for their chosen Domain: banish, boost/ lower Trait, conjure item, darksight, dispel, divination, empathy, healing, light/darkness, relief, resurrection, sanctuary, slumber, smite, sound/silence.
CHANNEL ENERGY: Clerics can cast the healing power at a Range of Spirit rather than Touch. Their healing power also has the Additional Recipients Power Modifier, allowing them to heal nearby allies at the cost of one extra Power Point each.
VOW (Major): Clerics have a major vow to serve their deity. Those who wish to draw energy from divine sources must uphold the principles of their Domain. If the cleric violates their deity's trust (GM's call) the cleric subtracts 2 from Faith rolls for a week. Truly sacrilegious acts might rob her of her powers entirely until she atones in some way.