====== Barbarian ====== ===== Barbarian ===== **//Requirements://** Rank: Novice, Strength d6+, Vigor d6+ For some, there is only rage. In the ways of their people, in the fury of their passion, in the howl of battle, these brutal souls swear by the creed of conflict. Battle possessed, these savage warriors disdain the life of the professional guard or soldier. They seek to fight for the sake of the act itself. Known as barbarians, these warmongers know little of tactics, preparation, or the rules of warfare. For them, only the moment exists. They embrace the possibility that the next battle might hold their death. Within the barbarian’s heart beats the primal spirit of struggle. Those who face their rage, beware. **ARMOR RESTRICTION (Medium):** A barbarian’s fighting style requires great freedom of movement. They subtract 4 from Agility and Agility-based skill rolls when wearing heavy armor or using a heavy shield. **FAST:** Barbarians are fast and durable runners. They increase their base Pace by +2. This doesn’t affect their running die, but does stack with Edges like Fleet-Footed or ancestral modifiers. **RAGE:** Barbarians can call upon inner reserves of strength and ferocity in desperate circumstances. As a limited free action, a barbarian may “rage” voluntarily. If she’s Shaken or Wounded, she must make a Smarts roll or rage whether she wants to or not. Rage lasts five rounds. After the barbarian’s fifth turn raging, she takes a level of Fatigue that can only be recovered with an hour’s rest (generally no walking, riding, etc). An Exhausted barbarian who rages is Incapacitated afterward. See page 132 for more on Fatigue. While raging, a barbarian gains the following abilities: - Fury: Her Strength increases a die type (ignoring her usual maximum) and every attack must be a Wild Attack (see page 141). She can’t use any skill or ability that requires more than a few seconds of concentration (GM’s call). - Enraged: She ignores two points of Wound penalties and all Fatigue penalties (this stacks with any other abilities that reduce those penalties). - Reckless Abandon: If a barbarian rolls a Critical Failure on an attack roll while raging, she hits a random target within range of her attack (not the intended target), friend or foe. If there are no applicable targets, she injures herself and suffers Bumps & Bruises (see page 151). {{tag>Class_Edge}}