===== Background Edge List ===== ==== General Background Edges ==== ^Name^Rank^Summary^ |[[alertness|Alertness]]|Novice|+2 to Notice Rolls| |[[ambidextrous|Ambidextrous]]|Novice|Ignore -2 penalty when making Trait rolls with off-hand.| |[[arcane_background|Arcane Background]]|Novice|Allows access to [[savage/Arcane Backgrounds/start]]| |[[arcane_resistance|Arcane Resistance]]|Novice|Arcane skills targeting the hero suffer a -2 penalty (even if cast by allies!) and magical damage is reduced by 2 as well.| |↪ [[improved_arcane_resistance|Improved Arcane Resistance]]|Novice|As Arcane Resistance, but penalty is increased to -4 and magical damage is reduced by 4.| |[[aristocrat|Aristocrat]]|Novice|+2 to Common Knowledge and networking with the upper class.| |[[attractive|Attractive]]|Novice|+1 to Performance and Persuasion rolls.| |↪ [[very_attractive|Very Attractive]]|Novice|+2 to Performance and Persuasion rolls.| |[[berserk|Berserk]]|Novice|After being Shaken or Wounded, melee attacks must be Wild Attacks, +1 die type to Strength, +2 to Toughness, ignore one level of Wound penalties, Critical Failure on Fighting roll hits random target. Take Fatigue after every five consecutive rounds, may choose to end rage with Smarts roll -2.| |↪ [[greater_berserk|Greater Berserk]]|Heroic|The hero's Strength increases two die types when raging and ignore an additional wound penalty| |[[brave|Brave]]|Novice|+2 to [[Fear]] checks and -2 to rolls on the [[Fear Table]].| |[[brawny|Brawny]]|Novice|Size (and therefore Toughness) +1. Treat Strength as one die type higher for Encumberance and Minimum Strength to use weapons, armor, or equipment.| |[[brute|Brute]]|Novice|LInk Athletics to Strength instead of Agility (including resistance). Short Range of any thrown item increased by +1. Double that for the adjusted Medium Range, and double again for Long Range.| |[[charismatic|Charismatic]]|Novice|Free reroll when using Persuasion.| |[[chosen|Chosen]]|Novice|When the Chosen spends Conviction, it lasts until the end of the encounter without having to maintain it with Bennies. The Chosen also has the Enemy (Major) Hindrance and a "mark" that helps them find her.| |[[elan|Elan]]|Novice|+2 when spending a Benny to reroll a Trait roll.| |[[fame|Fame]]|Novice|+1 Persuasion rolls when recognized (Common Knowledge), double usual fee for Performance.| |↪ [[famous|Famous]]|Seasoned|+2 Persuasion when recognized, 5x or more usual fee for Performance.| |[[fast_healer|Fast Healer]]|Novice|+2 Vigor when rolling for natural healing; check every 3 days.| |[[favored_enemy|Favored Enemy]]|Novice|-2 Persuasion, free reroll when failing to track (Survival) or attack against a particular type of foe.| |[[favored_terrain|Favored Terrain]]|Novice|Character draws an additional Action Card in the chosen terrain.| |[[fleet-footed|Fleet-Footed]]|Novice|Pace +2, increase running die one step.| |[[heirloom|Heirloom]]|Novice|Character gains a magic item worth up to 10,000 gp| |[[linguist|Linguist]]|Novice|Character knows a number of languages equal to half her Smarts die.| |[[luck|Luck]]|Novice|+1 Benny at the start of each session.| |↪ [[great_luck|Great Luck]]|Novice|+2 Bennies at the start of each session. | |[[lucky_help|Lucky Help]]|Novice|Spend a Benny to allow an ally to reroll a Trait roll with a +2 bonus.| |[[nimble_striker|Nimble Striker]]|Novice|No penalty when running and taking a single action.| |[[pyromaniac|Pyromaniac]]|Novice|Deal increased damage with natural fire.| |[[quick|Quick]]|Novice|The hero may discard and redraw Action Cards of 5 or lower.| |[[rich|Rich]]|Novice|Cahracter starts with three times the starting funds and a $150K annual salary.| |↪ [[filthy_rich|Filthy Rich]]|Novice|Five times starting funds and $500K average salary.| |[[wilderness_stride|Wilderness Stride]]|Novice|Ignore movement penalties for Difficult Ground.|