Creative Combat

Tests make a game even more exciting and memorable. Creative Combat enhances a pulp-style game with additional benefits for those who Test with a raise. A successful Test works as usual, but if a Wild Card character succeeds with a raise while in combat, her foe is not automatically Shaken—she rolls on the Creative Combat table instead:

2Second Wind: The foe’s reaction gives your hero hope or allows her to catch her breath. She may remove a level of Fatigue or a Wound (her choice). If she doesn’t have Fatigue or Wounds, the enemy is Shaken instead.
3Inspiration: Fate favors the bold. The clever hero receives a Benny.
4–5Double Whammy: The target is both Distracted and Vulnerable. 6–8 Shaken: The foe is Shaken.
9–10Setback: The target suffers a setback of some sort. She might fall off a ledge, lose the confidence of her minions (who then desert her), take a rash but foolish action, or simply lose her next turn as she attempts to recover from whatever situation she finds herself in.
11Insight: The hero has new insight into the target’s nature. Once during this encounter, she may add +d6 to any Trait roll made to directly attack, affect, or damage the same foe. If rolled a second time in the same encounter, the foe is Shaken instead.
12Seize the Moment: After the hero resolves this turn, she immediately gets an entire additional turn. This includes movement as well! She may use the turn to go on Hold if she wishes