====== Called Shots ====== Targeting a particular part of the body is a Called Shot. The modifier to the attack roll depends on the Scale of the target itself (not the creature it’s part of). Use the [[Scale]] Modifiers table to determine any bonus or penalty for the target’s Scale. These modifiers are already listed in parentheses below for Normal scale creatures, along with any specific game effects: * **HAND (−4):** Target may be Disarmed, see page 94. * **HEAD OR VITALS (−4):** Hitting the head or vital organs of living creatures adds +4 damage to the attacker’s total. The penalty is −5 if attempting to target the face of someone wearing an openfaced helmet (thus bypassing the helmet’s Armor). * **ITEM (?):** Use the dimensions on the Scale table for items. Targeting something the size of a pistol, for example, is −4; a 3' long sword is −2. * **LIMBS (−2):** Hitting a limb has no additional special effect since it’s already accounted for by Wound and Pace penalties (see Wounds, page 89). * **UNARMORED AREA (?):** The attack targets the unprotected area of a target otherwise covered in Armor. The penalty depends on the Scale of the area. The eyeslit of a helmet is Tiny (−6), for example, while the flesh beneath the missing scale of a Huge dragon might be Very Small (−4). ===== Called Shots & Target Size ===== Use the Scale of the target when making called shots against creatures, not their Scale. If a hero wants to blast the eye of a Huge robot destroying the city, for example, use the Scale of the eye, not the robot. If the eye is about the size of a car, the hero adds +2 to his roll because a car is Large, a +2 bonus. {{tag>actions}}