====== Bennies ====== Player characters start each session with three Bennies, represented by some kind of token. These last until the end of the session and are then discarded, so do not be afraid to use them. You gain them during a session by: * Being Clever * Playing to your [[Hindrances:start]] * Roleplaying well * Any player drawing a [[Joker]] during [[combat]]. The GM also gets one Benny per player character in addition to any that wild cards they control may have. ===== Using Bennies ===== You may use a Benny at any time, but they can only be used on your own character (unless you have an Edge that says otherwise). You can use them to: * **Reroll a Trait Roll**: Reroll any [[Trait roll]] and keep the best total from your rolls, unless you roll a critical failure, which unfortunately ends the attempt right then. * **Recover from [[Shaken]]**: This happens instantly and can be done at any point, even interrupting someone else's action. * **[[Soak Rolls]]**: You can prevent Wounds using a Bennie. See [[Soak Rolls]] for more info. * **Draw a New [[Action Card]]**: If you do not like your [[Action Card]] in combat or other initiative-based scenario, you may spend a Benny to draw a new card and choose which of the cards you want to keep. * **Reroll Damage**: You can spend a Benny to reroll damage just like a Trait Roll. * **Regain [[Power Points]]**: If you have an [[Arcane Background]] you may spend a Benny to regain 5 Power Points. * **Influence The Story**: Work with the GM on this, you may spend a Benny to find a clue or say you know a guy here in town who can help you out, etc.