====== Arcane Background (Witch) ====== ===== Witch ===== **Requirements**: //Smarts//: d6 Witches learn their craft from a mix of sources. They might learn one spell from an old wizard’s grimoire, another from their grandmother’s notes, and another from shadowy beings that lurk in the dark woods. Witches are often feared, even by those communities they serve. Desperate locals quietly seek their aid in times of personal crisis, but may chastise them by day—or even participate in a “witch hunt” should some calamity be attributed to their “consorting with dark spirits.” For this reason, even good warlocks and witches tend to be wary, protective, and secretive. Those of a more vengeful nature retaliate in terrible ways, inflicting curses and other maladies on the populations who persecute them. * **Arcane Skill**: Spellcasting (Smarts) * **Power Points**: 10 * **Starting Powers**: Any three chosen from the list below. * **Available Powers**: [[savage/powers/Arcane_Protection|Arcane Protection]], [[savage/powers/Banish|Banish]], [[savage/powers/Barrier|Barrier]], [[savage/powers/Beast_Friend|Beast Friend]], [[savage/powers/Blast|Blast]], [[savage/powers/Blessing|Blessing]], [[savage/powers/Blind|Blind]], [[savage/powers/Bolt|Bolt]], [[savage/powers/Boost_Lower_Trait|Boost/Lower Trait]], [[savage/powers/Burrow|Burrow]], [[savage/powers/Burst|Burst]], [[savage/powers/Confusion|Confusion]], [[savage/powers/Conjure_Item|Conjure Item]], [[savage/powers/Create_Pit|Create Pit]], [[savage/powers/Curse|Curse]], [[savage/powers/Darksight|Darksight]], [[savage/powers/Deflection|Deflection]], [[savage/powers/Detect_Conceal_Arcana|Detect/Conceal Arcana]], [[savage/powers/Disguise|Disguise]], [[savage/powers/Dispel|Dispel]], [[savage/powers/Divination|Divination]], [[savage/powers/Drain_Power_Points|Drain Power Points]], [[savage/powers/Elemental_Manipulation|Elemental Manipulation]], [[savage/powers/Empathy|Empathy]], [[savage/powers/Entangle|Entangle]], [[savage/powers/Environmental_Protection|Environmental Protection]], [[savage/powers/Farsight|Farsight]], [[savage/powers/Fear|Fear]], [[savage/powers/Fly|Fly]], [[savage/powers/Growth_Shrink|Growth/Shrink]], [[savage/powers/Havoc|Havoc]], [[savage/powers/Healing|Healing]], [[savage/powers/Illusion|Illusion]], [[savage/powers/Invisibility|Invisibility]], [[savage/powers/Light_Darkness|Light/Darkness]], [[savage/powers/Locate|Locate]], [[savage/powers/Lock_Unlock|Lock/Unlock]], [[savage/powers/Mind_Reading|Mind Reading]], [[savage/powers/Mind_Wipe|Mind Wipe]], [[savage/powers/Mystic_Intervention|Mystic Intervention]], [[savage/powers/Object_Reading|Object Reading]], [[savage/powers/Protection|Protection]], [[savage/powers/Puppet|Puppet]], [[savage/powers/Relief|Relief]], [[savage/powers/Scrying|Scrying]], [[savage/powers/Shape_Change|Shape Change]], [[savage/powers/Sloth_Speed|Sloth/Speed]], [[savage/powers/Slumber|Slumber]], [[savage/powers/Smite|Smite]], [[savage/powers/Sound_Silence|Sound/Silence]], [[savage/powers/Speak_Language|Speak Language]], [[savage/powers/Stun|Stun]], [[savage/powers/Summon_Ally|Summon Ally]], [[savage/powers/Summon_Animal|Summon Animal]], [[savage/powers/Telekinesis|Telekinesis]], [[savage/powers/Wall_Walker|Wall Walker]], [[savage/powers/Warrior's_Gift|Warrior's Gift]], [[savage/powers/Wish|Wish]], [[savage/powers/Zombie|Zombie]] ==== Magic ==== Witches may take Edges that require Arcane Background (Magic). ==== Armor Interference (Major) ==== Witches must move quietly, make intricate somatic gestures, and access their hex bags. They have the Armor Interference (Major) Hindrance. ==== Components ==== Witches require bits and baubles for their spells, from eye of newt to the hair of a hanged man. They have the Material Components Hindrance (page 28), which they store in their “hex bags.” ==== Corruption ==== Witches gather power and knowledge from a variety of sources, some of which bring ruin to their mind and body. They have the Corruption Hindrance. ==== Coven ==== Though witches tend to live alone in isolated areas of the world, they occasionally gather with others of their kind to exchange knowledge, cast rituals, or fight some common threat. Covens tend to have an odd number of members, and no more than 13 at a time. Witches may freely transfer Power Points between other members of their coven at any time, as long as they’re within 12” (24 yards) of each other. They do not need line of sight to do so. ==== Familiar ==== Witches maintain their connection to the natural world via small magical pets. They start with the Familiar Edge (page 36). ==== Prepared Powers ==== As long as witches have access to their hex bags, they may prepare and retain up to two powers per day (page 103). In addition to any other effects, a Critical Failure when casting a retained power means the hex bag must be replenished (in a market or a day spent making a Survival roll in a suitable environment).