Weird scientists use strange and powerful inventions beyond the normal technological level of the setting. Such creations might be possible due to super fuels, alien discoveries, or the raw intellect of rare super-geniuses who push the boundaries of science.
A weird scientist’s Trappings (see page 150) must always include the item they’re associated with. The burst power might manifest through a magical flamethrower in Deadlands: The Weird West, for instance, while “Dr. Gabriel’s Wondrous Restorative Elixir!” is a healing potion.
Weird scientists must have their devices at hand to activate their powers (but see Jury Rig, below).
Other characters can’t activate the inventor’s creations. They might not understand the strange mechanisms required to make it work, the device might not be “calibrated” or portioned for other users, or it might just “fritz out” for anyone but the creator. While this may seem a bit strange narratively, the “magic”—and the Power Points—come from the inventor so he must be the one to activate it.
Creating devices for others is possible—it just requires an Arcane Device, see page 153 and the Artificer Edge (page 45).
The inventor can use his devices on others, of course, including administering drinks from his magical elixirs or giving them injections of some miraculous super serum he’s created. If Dr. Gabriel administers his elixir, for example, he rolls to activate the power normally. If he gives someone the bottle to use later, they’ll find it’s lost its potency.
Weird scientists must usually activate their powers through their assigned device, but they can improvise other ways if needed at a −2 penalty. This requires a decent rationale relative to the setting and the GM’s permission.