This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Arcane Background (Illusionist) ====== ===== Illusionist ===== **Requirements**: //Smarts//: d6 Illusionists are extremely limited in their power selection, but are masters of the incredibly versatile illusion spell. Some manipulate light to create mirages, others conjure ethereal phantasms, and some even trick the observer’s mind into believing what isn’t there. * **Arcane Skill**: Spellcasting (Smarts) * **Power Points**: 10 * **Starting Powers**: [[savage/powers/Illusion]], [[savage/powers/light darkness|light/darkness]], [[savage/powers/sound silence|sound/silence]], and two other powers chosen from the list below. * **Available Powers**: [[savage/powers/Confusion|Confusion]], [[savage/powers/Deflection|Deflection]], [[savage/powers/Detect_Conceal_Arcana|Detect/Conceal Arcana]], [[savage/powers/Disguise|Disguise]], [[savage/powers/Fear|Fear]], [[savage/powers/Illusion|Illusion]], [[savage/powers/Invisibility|Invisibility]], [[savage/powers/Light_Darkness|Light/Darkness]], [[savage/powers/Sound_Silence|Sound/Silence]] ==== Magic ==== Illusionists may take Edges that require Arcane Background (Magic). ==== Armor Interference (Major) ==== Bulky armor interferes with an illusionist’s manual dexterity and the intense concentration it takes to maintain their visual chicanery. They have the [[savage/hindrances/Armor Interference]] (Major) Hindrance. ==== Strong Illusions ==== The caster’s illusion spells can fill a Large Blast Template and always have the Strong modifier for free. If a foe successfully disbelieves, however, he sees through all that caster’s illusions for the remainder of the encounter.