====== Arcane Background (Elementalist) ====== ===== Elementalist ===== **Requirements**: //Smarts//: d6 Those who practice elemental magic call on the elemental planes for their powers. * **Arcane Skill**: Spellcasting (Smarts) * **Power Points**: 10 * **Starting Powers**: [[savage/powers/Elemental manipulation]] (native element only), [[savage/powers/environmental protection]] (native element only), and three other powers chosen from the list below. * **Available Powers**: [[savage/powers/Barrier|Barrier]], [[savage/powers/Blast|Blast]], [[savage/powers/Bolt|Bolt]], [[savage/powers/Burst|Burst]], [[savage/powers/Confusion|Confusion]], [[savage/powers/Deflection|Deflection]], [[savage/powers/Divination|Divination]], [[savage/powers/Elemental_Manipulation|Elemental Manipulation]], [[savage/powers/Entangle|Entangle]], [[savage/powers/Environmental_Protection|Environmental Protection]], [[savage/powers/Havoc|Havoc]], [[savage/powers/Plane_Shift|Plane Shift]], [[savage/powers/Protection|Protection]] ==== Magic ==== Elementalists may take Edges that require Arcane Background (Magic). ==== Armor Interference (Major) ==== Bulky armor makes it more difficult to channel power from the elemental forces. They have the [[savage/hindrances/Armor Interference]] (Major) Hindrance. ==== Elemental Origin ==== An elementalist must choose her primary element when she first takes this Edge. All of her powers use that element as its Trapping (she may not use the Change Trapping modifier). Additional elements may be embraced via the [[savage/edges/Elemental Master]] Edge. ==== Elemental Synergy ==== When the character is near a significant source of her chosen element, she gets a reroll on her arcane skill. Significant sources include a bonfire for flame, a lake for water, gale-force winds for air, or piles of excavated earth, stone, etc. for earth (simply standing on the ground, on natural boulders, etc. isn’t sufficient to empower the mage). Conversely, if the element is in scarce supply, the mage subtracts 2 from her Spellcasting rolls. Thematically, this includes a water mage in a desert, an earth mage in a cloudship, a fire mage with no fire present, or an air mage in a deep dungeon or cave. If the element is essentially absent, she cannot cast at all.