====== Merfolk ====== ===== Merfolk Traits ===== * //**Aquatic and Semi-Aquatic**// You cannot drown and your swimming Pace is equal your normal Pace. You must spend an hour out of every 24 submerged in water. Without this, you become Fatigued each day until Incapacitated. A day after that, you perish. Each hour spent recovering restores a level of Fatigue. When completely dry, you grow legs and can use your walking speed. When wet, your legs return to their fin form and you cannot use your walking speed until you dry off. * //**Beautiful Voice**//. Your voice is supernaturally gifted. You gain the Gifted Arcane Background and the Empathy power with the Charm modifier. You also increase your Persuasion by 1 die type and gain a +1 bonus to Persuasion rolls.