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Gnome Traits


Forest Gnomes

  • Size +1. Forest Gnomes are the tallest of all gnomes, instead of being a Size -2, they are a Size -1. This means that they have a max Strength of d10 and only a -1 penalty to Toughness and damage rolls.
  • Friend to Animals. Forest Gnomes also gain the beast friend power.

Dune Gnomes

  • Pace +2. Dune Gnomes are quick on their feet and increase their pace by +2 and increase their running die by a die type.
  • Acclimated. Dune Gnomes are acclimated to the deserts they call home and gain a +4 bonus to resist heat and reduce damage from heat by 4.

Garden Gnomes

  • Tinkerer. Garden gnomes are renown for their tinkering skills. You have created a small device that replicates any novice rank power using the Arcane Devices rule. You gain an additional 3 power points as well that are used to power the device. With time and new materials you can deconstruct your device and reconstruct it to use a new power instead.

House Gnomes

  • Household Magic. House gnomes also gain their choice of one of the following powers: light, sound, or telekinesis
  • It's Hard in these Streets. House gnomes gain an additional +1 Toughness.

Rock Gnomes

  • Elemental Manipulators. You gain the Elemental Manipulation power, but with the limitation that it only applies to Earth and Metal.
  • Underground Life. You have Darkvision, allowing you to see in the dark within 10“ (20 yards), ignoring all illumination penalties and up to 2 points of penalties from invisibility or similar powers.
  • Light-Sensitive. You are sensitive to light, subtract -1 from all active Trait rolls in bright light. This does not apply to passive rolls. Here “bright light” means the effects of a light spell or being outdoors under direct sunlight. Significant shadows, such as being in a forest or in the shade of a large building, avoids the penalty.
  • Phosphorescent Spots. Rock gnomes have spots on their body that can emit light. When activated, this eliminates up to 2 points of illumination penalties in a Small, Medium, or Large blast template around her and subtracts 4 from her Stealth rolls if they're based on sight. The light may be activated or deactivated as a free action.

Snow Gnomes

  • Infravision. Snow gnomes can “see” heat. This halves Illumination penalties when attacking warm targets (including invisible beings)>
  • Acclimated. Snow Gnomes are acclimated to the deserts they call home and gain a +4 bonus to resist cold and reduce damage from cold by 4.