Fire. You can breathe fire by making an Athletics roll as a limited action. This uses the Cone Template, may be Evaded, and causes 2d6 damage (3d6 with a raise). A Critical Failure on this roll causes Fatigue.
Water You cannot drown, and can move full pace when swimming.
Air. You can Fly at pace 6 and “run” as normal.
Earth. You gain a +1 bonus to Toughness. Also you can burrow into loose earth and move through it at half normal Pace (cannot run). You cannot normally be attacked while burrowing and can attempt to surprise opponents by making an opposed Stealth vs. Notice roll. If successful, the burrower adds +2 to his attack and damage rolls that round, or +4 with a raise (he has The Drop).
Wood. You are immune to all poison and disease
Metal. Choose one of the following:
Natural Sword You have a natural weapon that deals damage equal to your Strength + d6.
Natural Armor You gain a natural +4 bonus to your Armor score.
Natural Fighter You have a natural weapon that deals damage equal to your Strength + d4 and a +2 bonus to armor.
Para-elemental Work with the GM to choose abilities associated with a Para-elemental plane such as the Para-elemental plane of Ice, steam, magma, etc.