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savage:alchemical_items [2024/04/24 15:28] lwelyksavage:alchemical_items [2024/04/24 15:28] (current) lwelyk
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 ===== Making Alchemical Items ===== ===== Making Alchemical Items =====
-Anyone with the Alchemy skill (see page 31) may make any of the items listed above if she has access to a suitable lab or workshop (GM’s call), a number of minutes equal to the cost of the item, and half the listed cost in components— if the GM agrees such materials are available. Once the time is invested, the character must make an Alchemy roll. If the roll is failed the time is lost but not the components. A Critical Failure means the components are lost as well. Success creates one of the items below, and a raise creates two.+Anyone with the [[savage/Alchemy]] skill may make any of the items listed above if she has access to a suitable lab or workshop (GM’s call), a number of minutes equal to the cost of the item, and half the listed cost in components— if the GM agrees such materials are available. Once the time is invested, the character must make an Alchemy roll. If the roll is failed the time is lost but not the components. A Critical Failure means the components are lost as well.  
 +Success creates one of the items below, and a raise creates two.
 ===== Alchemical Item Table ===== ===== Alchemical Item Table =====