====== Advancement ====== Advancement is how your character grows from a Novice to a Legendary hero. The pace of Advancements varies by the length of a campaign and what's happening. For shorter campaigns, you may Advance each session or in the middle during a One-Short. Generally you'll get one every 2 or 3 sessions or milestones depending on what the Game Master decides. ===== Using an Advance ===== A player may choose one of the following when they gain an advance: * Gain a new [[savage/edges/start|Edge]]. * Increase a [[savage/traits#Skill]] that is equal to or greater than its linked attribute one die type. * Increase two [[savage/traits#Skills]] that are lower than their linked attribute by one die type each (including new skills the character didn't have before at d4). * Increase one [[savage/traits#Attribute]] by a die type. This option may only be taken once per [[#Rank]]. Legendary Rank characters may raise an attribute every other Advance, up to their maximum. * Permanently remove a Minor [[savage/hindrances/start|Hindrance]] or reduce a Major Hindrance to a Minor (if possible). With the GM's permission, and if it makes sense, two Advances may be saved up and spent to remove a Major Hindrance. The player and GM should work out how and when this happens to make narrative sense. ===== Rank ===== As a character gains Advances, she goes up in "Rank", which is a rough measure of power. Each Rank allows access to more powerful Edges and certain abilities. ^Advances^Rank^ |0-3|Novice| |4-7|Seasoned| |8-12|Veteran| |13-17|Heroic| |18+|Legendary| ===== Allies & Advancement ===== Followers and other allies who stay with the party for extended periods can improve their abilities as well. At the end of a game session in which the allies had a significant role (usually by participating in combat, but GM's call). Advance them just as you would the player characters.